Windows? 2000/XP
100% 兼容DirectX 9.0c计算机
100% 兼容DirectX键盘或者输入设备
2.4 GHz Intel 处理器、2400+或者更高频率AMD处理器
512 MB 内存
128MB材质内存并兼容Vertex 和Pixel shader 2.0显卡
100% 兼容DirectX声卡
56K + 互联网连接
20 GB 硬盘空间
1.2 推荐系统配置
Windows? 2000/XP/Vista
100% 兼容DirectX 9.0c计算机
100% 兼容DirectX键盘或者输入设备
3.0 GHz Intel 或者 3500+ AMD 处理器
2 GB 内存
256MB材质内存并兼容Vertex 和Pixel shader 2.0显卡
100% 兼容DirectX声卡
20 GB 硬盘空间
天行者:英雄诗歌应用当前最先进的图形渲染技术制作游戏特效,并力求大型游戏的实时性能体验。游戏更多地是在 NVIDIA?
GeForce? 6 系列和 7 系列显卡系统上进行开发和测试的,将来也将更加注重实现在GeForce 7图形硬件上的游戏体验。如果您使用GeForce 7800或者更高版本显卡,那么您将可以在高分辨率下打开所有的NVIDIA特效功能 。
2.1 游戏安装
在DVD-ROM中插入天行者:英雄诗歌Disc 1。如果您的计算机设置为自动播放,那么安装程序将会在1分内自动运行。您也可自行启动安装程序,即双击DVD-ROM,然后双击Vanguard: Saga of Heroes图标。您可以根据提示完成全部步骤。
游戏安装完成后,您就可以双击桌面上的Vanguard: Saga of Heroes图标来运行游戏。此时游戏程序将会提示您输入Station.com账号来登陆游戏。如果您尚未拥有账号,可通过点击New Account按钮进行新账号注册。
关于安装、账号以及账单问题请访问http://support.station.sony.com 查询更多信息或者访问http://station.sony.com/kb知识库自行搜索帮助信息。
2.2 天行者:英雄诗歌账号激活码CDKEY
3.1 运行天行者:英雄诗歌
3.2 性能优化
3.3 运行
3.4 天行者:英雄诗歌终端用户协议和软件授权协议
在安装、更新或者游戏前,您都必须接受天行者:英雄诗歌终端用户协议和软件授权协议(EULA)。点接我接受I Accep即可同意该协议。在每次登陆到天行者:英雄诗歌游戏时,您都必须接受该协议。如果拒绝同意协议条款,或者您不想安装或者玩天行者:英雄诗歌,那么您可以点击拒绝I Decline关闭安装程度、游戏。
3.5 用户和密码
接下来,程序将会要求您输入用户和密码,并且密码区分大小写。第一次登陆后,游戏将会自动记住上一次登陆的用户名称,但是您必须手动输入登陆密码。输入用户名和密码后,您就可以点击VG Login按钮来登陆游戏了。
3.6 客户端更新
您也可以选择右上角的Auto Play选项,游戏更新完毕后就会自动加载下一屏。
在更新屏幕上,你也可以查看右侧窗口中所列出的最近更新详细内容。您还可以点击View Detail查看详细信息(如果文件发现缺失时可进行完全的文件扫描)、Support客服中心(在新窗口中转接到官方支持论坛)或者Update Notes更新说明(在新窗口中加载游戏更新的详细信息)。
3.9 角色选择
最后一个步骤是角色选择。这个窗口中将显示您所创建的所有角色的名称。您可以点击角色名称来选择人物或者Create New Character来创建新角色(请查看下一节的角色创建)。
4.0 角色创建
4.1 姓名
4.2 客服说明部分
Station Account name SOE账号
Account email address SOE账号邮件
Guild Leader’s play character name 公会领袖名字
Guild Name 公会名称
Guild’s website 公会名称(如已申请)
向GM或者Crimson Fellowship成员提交反馈信息请联系:VGCSComplaints@sigilgames.com
4.3种族和出生地 Race & Origin
4.4.1 Thestra岱斯特拉
Thestra岱斯特拉的种族包括Thestran Human岱斯特拉人、 Dwarf矮人、Halfling半身人、 High Elf半精灵、Vulmane狼人、 Varanjar瓦拉莎瑞族人和Lesser Giant小巨人。
4.4.2 Kojan寇柬
Kojan寇柬群岛的种族包括Kojani Human寇柬人、Wood Elf木精灵、Half Elf半精灵、Orc兽人、Goblin地精和Raki狐人。
4.4.3 Qalia喀利亚
Qalia喀利亚大陆的种族包括Qaliathari Human喀利亚莎瑞人(阿拉伯风格)、Gnome侏儒、Dark Elf黑暗精灵、Kurashasha猫人、 Morbedi Human 摩德比人(黑人风格)和Varathari瓦拉莎瑞族人。
4.5 职业 Class
4.5.1 Protective Classes 守护型职业
These stalwarts balance offense and defense. In group combat, they engage the
enemy directly, interposing their bodies between the foe and their less-welldefended
allies. Warrior 战士 [查看详细资料]
战士可学习众多的防御与攻击技能。特别擅长吸引敌方注意力技能。 Paladin 圣骑士
As a paladin, you are a servant of Athuloria, goddess of law, judgment and
punishment. In her service you punish the wicked and uphold the righteous. It is
your divine right to judge those who oppose you, for all must obey the law or suffer
the consequences. No degree of iniquity will be tolerated. Because of your strong
association with Athuloria, the other goodly gods lend you minor portions of their
power as well.
A paladin stands in the van, capable and willing to take the brunt of the assault in
order to defend weaker allies. It also gives you the opportunity to acquaint evildoers
with the judgment that awaits them.
A paladin accrues a special pool of “Virtue Points,” which can be expended to
unleash potent “Gifts of Virtue.” Your myriad gifts include Auras, which convey
significant buffs on you and your allies. Paladins also have powerful special .
attacks against the undead, and some limited healing abilities, as well as other
mystical abilities. Dread Knight 恐惧骑士
As a dread knight, you shroud yourself in secrecy and shadows. You’ve learned the ways of fear and effectively punish those who stand in your way. You have mastered fear to the point that any opponent who focuses on you will feel
the touch of supernatural terror. This sensation grows as you relentlessly pursue
your opponent. This tactic, known as the Dreadful Countenance, along with other
methods of the dread knight, are not always seen as honorable, but they .
are effective. Your most powerful attacks tend to be vampiric in nature, draining strength from
the foe to feed your abilities.
4.7.2 Offensive Classes 攻击型职业
Offensive fighters work the perimeter of the battle, unleashing devastating .
assaults on the enemy from range or from surprise. Although generally better
defended than casters, the offensive fighters tend to be in trouble when cornered
into melee combat. Ranger 游侠
As a ranger, you stalk and strike outside the range of your prey, much like
a tiger leaping from the shadows on an unsuspecting meal. In many ways you’re
a natural hunter. Strong and feral, you can deal a great deal of damage in a short
amount of time. But this isn’t your only talent; the wild world beyond the city walls
requires versatility to survive and thrive in. You have access to melee and ranged
attacks, as well as healing spells, poison cures and natural instincts. An instinct
that is innate to every animal is the urge to fight for its own life, and the ranger is
no different. You express this instinct by becoming more fierce the longer you’re in
a fight. You’re a strong melee combatant with a slew of attacks at your command. .
You can use natural energies to augment your blades or techniques picked up .
from your travels to perform devastating attacks. In addition to dealing damage, .
you have an arsenal of reactive abilities, so that you may be prepared for any
combat situation. Rogue 盗贼 [查看详细资料]
盗贼还可以施毒和设置装置。盗贼可以施放剧毒致敌而死。盗贼可主要可使用三种类型的施毒物品。最基本的就是毒瓶,可粘着在武器之上。接下来就是毒枪和毒镖。毒枪可四射击溃群敌,而毒镖则可以让对方进入睡眠状态、延长效果等。 Monk 武道家
As a monk, you’re a martial artist, learning to fight in one of three styles:
Dragon Style is focused on offensive output.
Harmonious Body Style drains strength from your target to increase your power.
Drunken Style concentrates on defensive abilities and counter-attacks that turn
your enemy’s own attacks against him.
Inner Focus. Inner focus is a special pool that can be used to power certain abilities. This pool of points does not automatically regenerate, but instead is earned by
performing finishing moves. Inner focus is meant to be built up and spent relatively
quickly. However, you can store these points for use later; they never go away until
you spend them. Your cap is small, but will grow slightly over time. Bard 吟游诗人
As a bard, your major focus is song composition. Songs provide the backbone
of your power, but you can only sing one song at a time. Songs are composed using
several different component types. As you progress, you’ll gain access to new types
of components and will be able to create more powerful songs.
A skilled bard can build songs that combine potent suites of offensive capability,
buffs and debuffs all into a single package.
4.7.3 Healers 医疗职业
Healers’ primary function in combat is self-explanatory. They specialize in
combat support, healing and buffing their allies. However, healers also tend to be
generalists, with a good mix of offensive abilities and defensive strength in addition
to their support role. Cleric 牧师
As a cleric, a servant of the divine, you heed the call of the gods in all things. For this devotion you share a portion of the power of the divine. These powers
manifest themselves in the form of powerful healing spells that enable you to tend
to fallen and wounded allies. You’re also granted mighty destructive spells, making
you a formidable opponent in battle.
You do not pledge yourself to a single deity. Rather, you draw power from the gods
collectively. As your understanding of each god matures, you can forge an affinity
with that deity, gaining grants of special powers. You can achieve affinity with
multiple deities at a time. Shaman 萨满
As a shaman, you mystically commune with the spirits of Telon. This
communion gives you access to gifts and powers that aid you as you grow in power. Shamans of sufficient power can form unique relationships with benevolent
spirits. All shamans can choose one patron spirit. These spirits are:
Tuurgin the Bear, who grants his devotees strength and toughness. Rakurr the
Wolf, who grants his devotees cunning and speed. Hayatet the Phoenix, who .
grants her devotees insight and the fury of flames.
Each of these patrons grants their shaman special powers, called Totemic Gifts. These gifts allow you to perform astounding feats. You can transform into the
image of your patron, gaining a variety of benefits. Even when you choose not to
transform, you can call upon your patron to assist you. This assistance takes the
form of a servant sent by your patron. These attendants faithfully serve .
until dismissed. Disciple 门徒
As a disciple, you dismiss outside influences and focus on inward serenity
and strength. This philosophy permeates your mind and body, making you a worthy
melee opponent and potent healer. You use your inner serenity to cast powerful
healing spells and form focused bonds with friends and foes alike. You become a
worthy combatant by using your inner strength to perform fierce melee attacks
and devastating counter-attacks. A disciplined disciple can flow between strength
and serenity with finesse, sometimes channeling both simultaneously. Blood Mage 血法师
As a blood mage, you seek to become a master over the lifeforce. Given
that blood is the ultimate source of vitality, you seek to discover its mysteries. You
casually brush aside other healing philosophies that include following deities or
spirits. These methods do not have the same obvious physical benefits that mastery
over blood presents. In fact, you have trained yourself to use your physical life for
a myriad of things, including transmuting it into other forms of energy or, in some
cases, using it directly to cast spells. Blood mages learn their magic by studying the bodies of the living, especially
through messy experimentation (often on themselves). Seen as gruesome acts of
self-mutilation or senseless sadism, your techniques are often frowned upon by
others. However, given the sheer power of your magic, your aid is seldom refused. You represent the most mystical healing class and, as such, your arsenal is
composed of pure spell casting — mostly restorative spells and utility spells, .
with a few drains and damage-dealing spells, as well as symbiotes created to .
give a benefit to allies.
4.7.4 Casters 施法职业
Casters can be thought of as human artillery. They rain down raw destruction
on their enemies from a distance — in theory, a safe distance. Their defensive
capabilities are generally extremely limited, and casters are best advised to avoid
melee combat entirely. Sorcerer 术士
As a sorcerer, you exhibit considerable arcane prowess, including the
ability to evoke blasts of elemental energy and conjure mystical shields. These
abilities lend to your ultimate purpose, destruction. Your appetite for havoc can
be a boon for any adventurer looking to travel into dangerous territory. While
sorcerers may not be capable melee combatants, they are certainly fierce .
spell casters.
You are the master of damage and destruction. You easily have the widest array of
devastating spells to fit most any situation. Many of your spells are situational .
and unique. Druid 德鲁伊
As a druid, you’re a powerful spell caster who can call stone and storm
friends. Your affinity with the natural world affords you great power to wreak havoc
on your opponents and bolster your allies. One of your most potent abilities allows
you to create natural phenomena. These spells are awesome in their power, but
limited in their use. You can also call up elemental servants to accompany you and
protect you in combat. Psionicist 灵能者
As a psionicist, you’re a wielder of amazing mental powers. You have the
ability to use these powers to destroy, protect and alter.
You can use your mind to control the will of others, generate telekinetic force to
defend or to attack, project numerous illusions, and even interfere with the flow of
time itself. Necromancer 亡灵法师
As a necromancer, you follow the darkest of arts, commanding the
dead and harnessing the power of death itself. You can summon the dead to fight
for you or consume fallen corpses to feed your power. Undead Forms. You can take on the form of a specific type of undeath, assuming
the corporeal forms of Skeleton, Lich and Demi Lich, or the incorporeal forms of
the Wraith, Spectre and Ghost. Each has advantages and disadvantages. When you
return to mortal form, you’re greatly weakened, but only for a short time.
Abomination. An abomination is a persistent “pet” forged from various forms of
rotting flesh. It will fight at your command. As you advance in your art, you’re able
to summon increasingly more powerful abominations. Abominations are different
from the pets of other classes in that they can equip items, called Grafts.
4.8 Appearance 角色相貌
The final step in Character Creation is to determine your exact in-game
appearance. Once you have decided on a name, gender, race and class, .
you may click Continue to go on to the Appearance Screen.
The Appearance Screen has eight tabs which cover different physical aspects. These are: Proportions, Body Mass, Head, Brow, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Mouth. Each one of these tabs has five to eight slider controls allowing you to precisely
calibrate all aspects of your appearance. There are literally millions of appearance
combinations possible for each race.
Also from the Appearance Screen you can choose:
Reset, to restore the default appearance for that race and gender and start again.
Random, to load a random appearance in whichever tab you have open at .
the moment.
Load Template, to load a selection of specific settings you have previously saved.
Save Template, to save a selection of specific settings for use with future characters.
Back, to return to the Character Creation screen.
Finished, to save your character and return to the Character Select screen.
Moving & Observing
W (或者 Numpad 前进
S (或者 Numpad 2) 后退
A (或者 Numpad 4) 左转
D (或者 Numpad 6) 右转
Your normal movement rate in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is an easy jog.
游泳。玩家进入任意深度的水域都将自动开始游泳。游泳状态下,鼠标用于潜水或者上浮。水域中游泳只能维护几秒钟,否则将会有危险。如果你在水中闭气,那么将有一个呼吸的气量指示条。如果气量低时,就必须浮出水面换气。If you do not return to the surface
空降。 如果从高处跳落,那么就会处于空降状态。如果高度高于身体高度三倍以上,那么就会对身体造成伤害,甚至死亡。特殊的法术或者技能可以减少空降伤害。
自动奔跑。自动奔跑可以不需要按住向前按键即可长途跳动。 NumLock 键则用于自动奔跑功能.
F1 锁定本身。
F2-F6 次序锁定队友。
F9 切换第一人称和第三人称视角。
F10 关闭聊天窗口。
数字盘 (-) 键为快速截图
the number pad.
人类NPCs (非玩家)、动物或者怪物是多种多样的。我们可以通过他们的名字颜色进行分辨。绿色为友好NPC。红色为攻击型NPC。橙色为可疑NPC。黄色则为中立。
移动 NPCs。有些NPC我们可以在固定地点中找到,而某此NPC(特别是守卫)则四处游荡。移动中的NPC有可能会停下来与你交流,而有些则不停。
Show Me Your Wares 看看你的东西. .
守卫是保卫城市与通道的NPC。某些守卫是固定位置的,但某些守卫则以一定路线进行巡逻。守卫可以告知我们有关训练师、银行家和其他地点、人物的有用信息。如果我们与守卫进行交谈,而选择Ask询问,那么我们就可以从守卫那边得到有关地点的资料,并且地点将会在Quest Log任务日志中标时。同时如果我们将怪物引到守卫边上,他们也会帮忙杀死怪物。但是我们不能从被守卫杀死的怪物身上获得经验。
野外冒险开始之前,我们必须对角色进行武器和防具进行装备。不同的职业只能配备相适应的武器、防具和魔法物品。点击Equipment and Character装备和角色按钮来查看当前的武器和防具装备情况。新手仅提供了没有出售价值的新手装备,只能达到最小的攻击和防护作用。游戏的过程中,我们可以不断获得新武器、装备以达到最佳的攻击和防护作用。每种武器、魔法物品和防具都有等级限制。武器、防具等于或者高于当前的级别。装备时,可从包裹里将相应物品拖放到装备栏中或者直接点击鼠标右键进行装备。
Combat Hotkeys
Shift+C 或者 识别敌人
~ 自动攻击开关
Tab 循环切换攻击目标
X 休息
F 战斗链条Chains
G 反击 Counter
Y 交感魔法Sympathetic
V 支援Rescue
数字键 技能、魔法
Shift+1-0 打开其他快捷栏。数量为10个。